Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We went to the dog park today! I LOVE the dog park! Well, I love the idea of the dog park. The reality is that there are a bunch of other dogs and they all want to sniff your, well, you know, those areas, and it's embarrassing! Now don't get me wrong, this form of communication and getting to know one another is totally accepted by our dog culture, but I would like a few rules first.
1. Ask before sniffing. It's only polite!
2. Girl dogs first! I'm a gentleman before all else.
3. If you've been swimming and you're wet, or you smell because you rolled in something you shouldn't then don't even ask! The answer is, go find another dog to sniff, please.
I have more to say about the dog park, but it's time for a nap. The dog park always makes me tired and sleepy.

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