Friday, July 31, 2009


Toys are great! I love toys! My favorite toys are the toys I can tear apart! Yes, tearing apart toys is a fun thing. Tennis balls are fun - they bounce - and they have this fuzzy covering that you can peel off like an orange. They don't bounce as well after you've peeled them though. But, then it's time for a NEW toy! Oh, going to the pet store to pick out a new toy is so much fun! There are SO MANY toys there! I want them all! Hey, let's go to the pet store - I've torn the stuffing out of all of my stuffed toys, and I've lost all of my tennis balls, and I'm just plain tired of all of the rest of them. Time to go to the pet store! Bye, gotta go get my human to take me to the pet store. I'll post a picture of my new toy when I get it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dog days of summer!

The dog days of summer are coming up. That's what they call August. I don't get it - why August? Because it's so hot? It's been hot in July! It's hot in May! Why not the dog days of Spring? And cold, that affects us dogs too! It's cold in the the winter. So, why not the Dogbrrrrrrrr Days of Winter? Huh? Why not? Who decides on these things anyway? Must not be dogs. Gotta go take a nap and ponder this some more.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We went to the dog park today! I LOVE the dog park! Well, I love the idea of the dog park. The reality is that there are a bunch of other dogs and they all want to sniff your, well, you know, those areas, and it's embarrassing! Now don't get me wrong, this form of communication and getting to know one another is totally accepted by our dog culture, but I would like a few rules first.
1. Ask before sniffing. It's only polite!
2. Girl dogs first! I'm a gentleman before all else.
3. If you've been swimming and you're wet, or you smell because you rolled in something you shouldn't then don't even ask! The answer is, go find another dog to sniff, please.
I have more to say about the dog park, but it's time for a nap. The dog park always makes me tired and sleepy.

Midnight! I'm up at midnight! I wish my human would go to bed so we can all get some sleep around here. I don't understand what is so interesting about the strange box thing she sits in front of all of the time. Chasing cats is so much more fun! Yawn, I'm going to sleep whether the humans are coming to bed or not. I need to rest my brain for tomorrow's blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birds in the backyard!

There are those birds again! They are right outside the glass door and I can't get to them to chase them! So, I lay here, looking out, and imagine running after them with feathers flying everywhere, and chirping and squawking, and barking, and
and . . .
a n d
YAWN! Hmm, too much activity. I think I'll find a cozy spot and take a nap. Now if the birds would just stop chirping so I could get to sleep!

Monday, July 27, 2009

YAWN, is it lunchtime yet?

I wonder what's for lunch? I spend a lot of time thinking about food. Food is important when you do as much thinking as I do! Brain food! What makes good brain food? Well, I don't know what kind of brain food you like, but a good juicy steak bone sure makes my brain work better! That's a good idea, a bone, gotta go find a bone, yum, a bone, oh boy, I'm gonna find a bone . . .

Buddy will return once he has fed his brain!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Buddy, that's ME!

Hi, I'm Buddy! You may not know me yet, but you will before too much longer. I'm the star of my very own book! "Buddy, the dog who would not budge!" I've written the book . . . well . . .actually, my writer wrote the book, but I helped a LOT! I came up with a so many ideas. My writer is Sally, and she is really creative! I also have an illustrator named Bobby. I like the way he drew me, don't you? Here's his picture!

I like his red shoes! Hmmm, I wonder what they taste like. Oh, sorry, I'm hungry. I'm always hungry! Food is wonderful! Oh, there's my favorite ball. I think I'll go play for a while. Come back and visit me again. I'll tell you more about my book. I'll even tell you about Sally's dogs, Maia and Topaz. Topaz is my alter ego, or I'm his alter ego. I'm not sure how that works. Anyway, I have to go back to being a dog now.